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Anmälan av incidenter: Kundportalen

Vid all korrespondens med oss underlättas handläggningen om ni inkluderar uppgifter som företag, kontaktperson, telefonnummer och ärende.

I vår kundportal kan du se tjänster och fakturor samt se och lägga felanmälan. Portalen hittar du nedan. Här hittar du svar på vanliga frågor om fakturor.

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Information kring drift­störningar

Privatkunder med aktiv tjänst i GlobalConnects öppna nät hänvisas till sin tjänsteleverantör för frågor och support.

Notera att vi skriver uppdateringarna på engelska då vi har ett flertal internationella kunder.

Pågående driftstörningar

Ticket number: INC2378219
Location: Göteborg
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Fault type: Currently unknown

Occurred: 2025-03-31 17:38 CET/CEST
Estimated Time of Repair: To be announced

Status: Troubleshooting in progress
Next update: 2025-04-01 08:30 CET/CEST

Last update(s):

Ticket number: INC2377106
Location: Kungsbacka
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Fault type: Currently unknown

Occurred: 2025-03-28 03:51 CET/CEST
Estimated Time of Repair: To be announced

Status: Troubleshooting in progress
Next update: 2025-03-28 10:00 CET/CEST

Last update(s):
2025-03-28 06:57 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing.

Ticket number: INC2377078
Location: Skällinge
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Fault type: Hardware card error

Occurred: 2025-03-28 03:30 CET/CEST
Estimated Time of Repair: 2025-04-01 15:00 CET/CEST

Status: Troubleshooting in progress
Next update: 2025-03-28 12:00 CET/CEST

Last update(s):

Ticket number: INC2377068
Location: Valinge
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Fault type: Hardware card error

Occurred: 2025-03-28 03:30 CET/CEST
Estimated Time of Repair: 2025-04-01 15:00 CET/CEST

Status: Troubleshooting in progress
Next update: 2025-03-28 12:00 CET/CEST

Last update(s):

Ticket number: INC2375890
Location: Trollhättan
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Fault type: Currently unknown

Occurred: 2025-03-25 10:17 CET/CEST
Estimated Time of Repair: To be announced

Status: Troubleshooting in progress
Next update: 2025-03-31 12:28 CET/CEST

Last update(s):
2025-03-31 11:28 – A disturbance detected in our sub provider’s network. Troubleshooting is ongoing with sub provider // Felet har lokaliserats vara hos vår underleverantör. Felsökning pågår med underleverantör
2025-03-31 09:35 – Troubleshooting is ongoing. // Felsökning fortsätter.
2025-03-25 18:37 – A hardware fault detected. Replacement unit has been ordered. // Hårdvarufel lokaliserat. Ersättningsutrustning beställd.

Åtgärdade driftstörningar

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2378206
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Oskarshamn

Occured: 2025-03-31 09:27 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-31 20:27 CET/CEST

2025-03-31 20:27 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda.
2025-03-31 17:35 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2378006
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Stockholm

Occured: 2025-03-31 12:06 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-31 12:38 CET/CEST

2025-03-31 12:31 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2377866
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Uppsala

Occured: 2025-03-31 09:04 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-31 16:06 CET/CEST

2025-03-31 16:05 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the power outage was remedied. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter att strömfel åtgärdades.
2025-03-31 09:41 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2377851
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Nyköping

Occured: 2025-03-31 09:00 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-31 10:22 CET/CEST

2025-03-31 10:50 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda.
2025-03-31 09:21 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2377663
Fault type: Power issue
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Vittsjö

Occured: 2025-03-30 08:42 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-30 12:31 CET/CEST

2025-03-30 17:50 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the power outage was remedied. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter att strömfel åtgärdades.
2025-03-30 11:36 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2377564
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Trelleborg

Occured: 2025-03-29 05:41 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-29 07:03 CET/CEST

2025-03-29 07:03 – All services are restored.
2025-03-29 06:26 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue.
2025-03-29 06:18 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting.
2025-03-29 06:00 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2377543
Fault type: Fiber break
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Hjälteby

Occured: 2025-03-28 19:41 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-29 15:53 CET/CEST

2025-03-29 15:52 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the cable fault was fixed. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter att kabelfel åtgärdades.
2025-03-29 15:20 – Sub provider has begun repairing the fault // Underleverantören har börjat reparera felet
2025-03-28 22:22 – Subprovider informs that repairs will be delayed and will start Saturday morning. // Underleverantören informerar om att reparationer kommer att försenas och kommer att starta på Lördag morgon.
2025-03-28 20:59 – We currently have an outage caused by fiber damaged in subproviders network, subprovider is troubleshooting. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning orsakad av kabelskada i vår underleverantörs nätverk. Underleverantör felsöker.

Ticket number: INC2377407
Location: Uppsala
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Fault type: Power issue

Occurred: 2025-03-28 13:38 CET/CEST
Estimated Time of Repair: To be announced

Status: Troubleshooting in progress
Next update: 2025-03-28 14:48 CET/CEST

Last update(s):
2025-03-28 13:48 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2377287
Fault type: Fiber break
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Oslo

Occured: 2025-03-28 11:12 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-30 05:24 CET/CEST

2025-03-30 05:30 – RFO:
What was the fault?
– [Cable cut]
What caused the fault?
– [Third party]
How was the fault fixed?
– [Cable repair]
Is this a permanent solution?
– [No]
2025-03-30 05:25 – All services are restored. Technicians are hands-off.
2025-03-30 04:10 – Repair work is ongoing. Splicing inprogress.
2025-03-29 23:54 – Repair work is ongoing. Splicing inprogress.
2025-03-29 21:26 – Repair work is ongoing. Splicing ongoing.
2025-03-29 19:16 – Due documentation inconsistencies splicing efforts have been delayed. Field engineers are still actively working on site to prepare the cables and have managed to get them into place, and hope to begin splicing soon. Splicing is expected to take most, if not all, of the night.
2025-03-29 16:54 – Our sub contractor* has been on site and prepared work and path for the remaining 2 fiber cables. They are currently rigging the cables to get them ready for splicing, which will then continue through the late evening and night, until services have been restored.
*This was incorrectly stated as sub provider previously, apologies for any confusion.
2025-03-29 14:34 – Sub provider is sourcing additional resources to aid their restoration plan for the final 2 fiber cables, the location of the damaged cables make it take longer than usual.
2025-03-29 11:37 – Sub provider is working on resolving the remaining damaged fiber cables, due to the extent of the damage the repair is taking longer than initially estimated. ETR is pushed back to later tonight and we will update with additional information during the course of the day as we learn more.
2025-03-29 09:48 – The original cables have been spliced, however field engineers found more affected cables which will require more work. Sub provider is currently sourcing materials and resources to continue the work.
2025-03-29 04:47 – Splicing in progress.
2025-03-29 02:11 – Splicing in progress.
2025-03-28 23:20 – Technician has begun splicing the fiber.
2025-03-28 20:09 – Technicians are preparing to begin splicing. There’s many points to make splices on and additional technicians has been called in to restore as quickly as possible.
2025-03-28 18:16 – Technicians have begun restoring the first splice box. The damage is extensive and affecting several splice boxes.
2025-03-28 15:09 – Technicians have assessed the damage and began preparations for temporary repairs. We are currently estimating the temporary resolution to be completed at 2025-03-29 11:00
2025-03-28 14:10 – Hi team, You might have been informed in an earlier mail that the issue is resolved and that is not true, what happened was that we have multiple ticket for the same issue, so what we did is we close the other ticket we had, and will use ticket called INC2377287 as only ticket proceeding further into this. Sorry for the confusion this might have caused you.

Globalconnect NOC
2025-03-28 13:24 – Technicians have arrived on site and investigation is ongoing, the fault is caused by a power pole damaged in a traffic accident.
2025-03-28 12:07 – Field technician ordered to site.
2025-03-28 11:48 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2377179
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Norrköping

Occured: 2025-03-28 09:12 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-28 09:37 CET/CEST

2025-03-28 10:35 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda.
2025-03-28 09:30 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2377115
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Örebro

Occured: 2025-03-28 07:51 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-28 08:32 CET/CEST

2025-03-28 08:52 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2377038
Fault type: Cable work
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Österbybruk – Östhammar

Occured: 2025-03-28 00:03 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-28 04:49 CET/CEST

2025-03-28 05:01 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the cable fault was fixed. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter att kabelfel åtgärdades.
2025-03-28 01:04 – We have been in contact with a sub provider that is performing work in the area that matches our affected equipment, we could not verify any shared documentation however. So we will await the completion of their work and see if our equipment becomes reachable again at that point. // Vi har vart i kontakt med en underleverantör som har ett planerat arbete i området som matchar vår påverkan. Vi kunde dock inte verifiera gemensam dokumentation, så just nu kan vi bara vänta på att deras arbete blir avslutat och se om våra tjänster återställs.
2025-03-28 00:45 – We currently have an outage that we suspect is caused by unannounced planned maintenance, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning som vi misstänker beror på ett oannonserat planerat arbete. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2377029
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault

Occured: 2025-03-27 23:03 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-29 14:30 CET/CEST

2025-03-30 00:45 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda.
2025-03-28 10:52 – A disturbance detected in our sub provider’s network. Troubleshooting is ongoing with sub provider // Felet har lokaliserats vara hos vår underleverantör. Felsökning pågår med underleverantör
2025-03-28 05:34 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting.
2025-03-27 23:35 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2377009
Fault type: Power issue
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Uppsala

Occured: 2025-03-27 23:15 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-28 02:25 CET/CEST

2025-03-28 02:47 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the power outage was remedied. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter att strömfel åtgärdades.
2025-03-28 01:13 – Due to issue with access to site troubleshooting will be postponed until the morning. // På grund av problem med åtkomst till site så kommer felsökningen att skjutas upp till morgonen.
2025-03-27 23:32 – We currently have an outage that we suspect is caused by local power outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning som misstänks vara orsakad av lokalt strömavbrott. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2376883
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Norrköping

Occured: 2025-03-27 13:57 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-28 09:34 CET/CEST

2025-03-28 09:27 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda.
2025-03-27 15:32 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting. // Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats.
2025-03-27 14:56 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2376712
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Skövde

Occured: 2025-03-27 09:54 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-28 08:00 CET/CEST

2025-03-28 08:06 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the cable fault was fixed. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter att kabelfel åtgärdades.
2025-03-27 13:58 – Cable fault detected. Technicians are working on remedying the issue. // Kabelfel lokaliserat. Tekniker arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.
2025-03-27 13:15 – A disturbance detected in our sub provider’s network. Troubleshooting is ongoing with sub provider // Felet har lokaliserats vara hos vår underleverantör. Felsökning pågår med underleverantör
2025-03-27 10:17 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting. ETA 4 hours // Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats. Beräknad ankomsttid: 4 timmar

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2376697
Fault type: Power issue
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Stockholm

Occured: 2025-03-27 09:15 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-27 10:20 CET/CEST

2025-03-27 22:42 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the power outage was remedied. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter att strömfel åtgärdades.
2025-03-27 09:58 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.

Ticket number: INC2376684
Location: Örebro
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Fault type: Currently unknown

Occurred: 2025-03-27 08:44 CET/CEST
Estimated Time of Repair: To be announced

Status: Troubleshooting in progress
Next update: 2025-03-27 19:23 CET/CEST

Last update(s):
2025-03-27 22:48 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda.
2025-03-27 09:49 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting. ETA 8 hours// Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats. Beräknad ankomsttid: 8 timmar

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2376658
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Eskilstuna

Occured: 2025-03-27 08:07 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-27 09:06 CET/CEST

2025-03-27 09:37 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda.
2025-03-27 08:54 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting. ETA 4 hours // Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats. Beräknad ankomsttid: 4 timmar
2025-03-27 08:48 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2376646
Fault type: Power issue
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Stockholm

Occured: 2025-03-27 08:09 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-27 09:17 CET/CEST

2025-03-27 22:56 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the power outage was remedied. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter att strömfel åtgärdades.
2025-03-27 08:40 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2376628
Fault type: Fiber break
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Örebro

Occured: 2025-03-27 07:46 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-31 15:20 CET/CEST

2025-03-31 15:20 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the cable fault was fixed. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter att kabelfel åtgärdades.
2025-03-31 11:44 – A disturbance detected in our sub provider’s network. Troubleshooting is ongoing with sub provider. They will look into it Wendesday at the latest. // Felet har lokaliserats vara hos vår underleverantör. Felsökning pågår med underleverantör. De kommer kolla på det senast onsdag.
2025-03-31 09:04 – Troubleshooting is ongoing. // Felsökning fortsätter.
2025-03-28 16:02 – Subprovider has ordered a technician to investigate. Currently no confirmed time when technician will arrive we will update as soon as it becomes available. // Vår underleverantör har beställt en tekniker för att undersöka. Vi har för närvarande ingen bekräftad tid när tekniker kommer fram, vi uppdaterar så fort det blir tillgängligt.
2025-03-27 22:49 – A disturbance detected in our sub provider’s network. Troubleshooting is ongoing with sub provider // Felet har lokaliserats vara hos vår underleverantör. Felsökning pågår med underleverantör
2025-03-27 12:31 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting.// Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats.
2025-03-27 08:36 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Ticket number: INC2376353
Location: Bro
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Fault type: Currently unknown

Occurred: CET/CEST
Estimated Time of Repair: To be announced

Status: Troubleshooting in progress
Next update: 2025-03-26 14:25 CET/CEST

Last update(s):
2025-03-26 13:25 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting. ETA 4 hours // Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats. Beräknad ankomsttid: 4 timmar
2025-03-26 11:47 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2376341
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Östersund

Occured: 2025-03-26 11:10 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-26 16:23 CET/CEST

2025-03-26 16:23 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda.
2025-03-26 14:01 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting. ETA 4 hours // Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats. Beräknad ankomsttid: 4 timmar
2025-03-26 11:36 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2376245
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Sexdrega

Occured: 2025-03-26 08:56 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-26 10:34 CET/CEST

2025-03-26 11:08 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the power outage was remedied. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter att strömfel åtgärdades.
2025-03-26 09:18 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2376197
Fault type: Power issue
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Älvsjö

Occured: 2025-03-26 08:02 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-26 23:09 CET/CEST

2025-03-26 23:09 – All services are restored.
2025-03-26 08:18 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2376189
Fault type: Power issue
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Rimbo

Occured: 2025-03-26 07:46 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-26 22:37 CET/CEST

2025-03-26 08:00 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2376164
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Eskilstuna

Occured: 2025-03-26 00:09 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-26 10:20 CET/CEST

2025-03-26 13:38 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda.
2025-03-26 03:10 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2376152
Fault type: Power issue
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Solna

Occured: 2025-03-26 00:09 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-26 00:40 CET/CEST

2025-03-26 01:30 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the power outage was remedied. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter att strömfel åtgärdades.
2025-03-26 00:20 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2376070
Fault type: Fiber break
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Sundbyberg

Occured: 2025-03-25 10:25 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-26 18:18 CET/CEST

2025-03-26 18:28 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda.
2025-03-26 14:37 – A disturbance detected in our sub provider’s network. Troubleshooting is ongoing with sub provider // Felet har lokaliserats vara hos vår underleverantör. Felsökning pågår med underleverantör
2025-03-26 07:50 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.
2025-03-26 06:19 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting. // Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats.
2025-03-25 15:17 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2375712
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Vagnhärad

Occured: 2025-03-24 20:38 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-03-25 15:27 CET/CEST

2025-03-25 16:08 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. If you still experience any issues please contact GlobalConnect Service Desk. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda. Upplever ni fortfarande några problem så kontakta GlobalConnect Servicedesk.
2025-03-25 14:22 – A field technician dispatched to continue troubleshooting. // Fälttekniker skickad för att fortsätta felsökningen.
2025-03-24 22:09 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.